Pawan’s heroine weeps cried leaving sets of ‘Komaram Puli’?
The actress who has made her journey for 2 years with the Puli team wept copiously on the sets when the director appreciates and thanked for her cooperation.
Nikisha said “This film introduced me as an artiste. I learnt a lot from the professionals. My two-year-long sojourn is like a research. I feel I have done a Ph.D. This would definitely help me in my career advancement. I don’t know how I would be reacting for my forthcoming films.”
Speaking about the AR Rahman’s to the film, the actress said “Right from the beginning, I have been a great fan of AR Rahman. There was a time when I enacted his Vandemataram song on the stage during my school days. I am really lucky. I miss the team a lot, but I hope I will be meeting them all again and again for a long time to come.” is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality,decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites.Sometimes we post the links from other sites that are on the Internet.