Only YS Jagan has 'Telugu Pourusham'

Lakshmi Parvathi has defended her statements in the YS Jagan's Odarpu yatra in which she claimed that after NTR and YSR, only YS Jagan has the true Telugu Pourusham (person who carried forward the Telugu pride).
She said, People like Rosaiah are falling at the feet of Sonia Gandhi and thereby laying the Telugu pride at her feet. In fact when the leaders did the same thing by putting the Telugu pride at the feet of Indira Gandhi, it was NTR who helped save the Telugu people's pride with his 'Atma Gowravam' slogan.
"In the same way by refusing to bow his head in front of Sonia Gandhi, YS Jagan has proved himself ass the true keeper of the Telugu pride" she said.